Meet the coolseats community

coolseats testimonials

“The table waste has always been the biggest waste, as far as we couldn’t deal with… The coolseat enables us to take everything off the table, scraps which once went into the bin.”

~ Frank, Nile Street Cafe, Orange, NSW

“Our coolseat has been installed in a place that was otherwise fairly devoid of plants and shade… The coolseat works very effectively, because the garden itself creates a cooling effect with the shade of the plants.”

Rachel, Community Garden, Nundle, NSW

 coolseats launch

with the Hon Matt Kean MP & friends

Where to spot coolseats


Bathurst, NSW

John’s Street

Tremain’s Mill

The Church Block Cafe, Eglinton


Chippendale, NSW

101kissa Cafe

Cafe Giulia

Knox St Bar

The streets of Chippendale


Nundle, NSW

Gold Mine Guesthouse

Nundle Library & Community Garden